Committees of the Council

Interim Planning Committee: Councillors -  S. Bowen, C. Larcombe, S. Meek, R. Lloyd, B. Davies, Y. Forsey

Rogerstone & Bassaleg Burial Board:   Councillors – S. Bowen, N. Upham, S. Jones, A. Hobbs, G. Foley, D. Mlewa, R. Lloyd.

14 Locks Committee: Councillors:  J. Gibbons, R. Lloyd



Members are entitled to allowance payments & Rogerstone Community Council is required to publish any payments made to elected or co-opted Members of the Community Council for the financial year ending 31st March 2024.  
During this period payments made to Members of Rogerstone Community Council were as follows: -  
Cllr L Cummings -  £156 allowance paid (£78 repaid when resigned)  
Cllr J Gibbons - £156 allowance paid
Cllr Y Forsey - £156 allowance paid
Cllr B Davies - £156 allowance paid
Cllr A Hobbs - Declined to claim allowance
Cllr S Jones - Declined to claim allowance
Cllr S Mlewa – Declined to claim allowances
Cllr M Bentley – £156 allowance paid (£78 repaid when resigned)
Cllr Kath Hopkins -Declined to claim allowance
Cllr J Reynolds - £156 allowance paid
Cllr N Upham - £156 allowance paid
Cllr C Larcombe - £156 allowance paid
Cllr N Ireland - Declined to claim allowance
Cllr S Bowen - Declined to claim allowances

Colin Atyeo

Clerk to the Council

Members are entitled to allowance payments & Rogerstone Community Council is required to publish any payments made to elected or co-opted Members of the Community Council for the financial year ending 31st March 2023.  
During this period payments made to Members of Rogerstone Community Council were as follows: 
Cllr L Cummings -Declined to claim allowance  
Cllr J Gibbons -  £150 allowance paid 
Cllr R Howells -  Declined to claim allowance   
Cllr Y Forsey -  Declined to claim allowance 
Cllr B Davies - £150 allowance paid 
Cllr A Hobbs -  Declined to claim allowance  
Cllr S Jones -  Declined to claim allowance  
Cllr S Mlewa –  Declined to claim allowances  
Cllr M Bentley – Declined to claim allowance 
Cllr Kath Hopkins -Declined to claim allowance  
Cllr J Reynolds -  Declined to claim allowance  
Cllr N Upham -  Declined to claim allowance  
Cllr C Larcombe - £150 allowance paid 
Cllr N Ireland -  Declined to claim allowance  
Cllr S Bowen -  Declined to claim allowances  
Colin Atyeo  
Clerk to the Council