Meetings, Agendas & Minutes

The Community Council usually meet the first Wednesday in the month (excluding August) at 7pm, in the Council Chambers, Tydu Community Hall, Welfare Grounds, Tregwilym Road, Rogerstone, Newport, NP10 9EQ.  However, an extra full meeting has been agreed by the Chairperson as the 7th of August 2024 at 7pm via Zoom/in chambers, agendas are on the website by the Monday before the meeting. (The July meeting was advertised and held a week earlier on the 26th June, the September meeting will be as usual).

Members of the public are welcome to attend full meetings of council and observe proceedings (provided numbers do not exceed room capacity), however the public are not permitted to take part in the meeting.

Members of the public  have the right to speak at a 15 minute question and answer session at the start of each full Community Council meeting, subject to notifying the Community Council of questions, which must be submitted to the Clerk to the Council in writing, 10 working days in advance of the meeting. Answers will be provided by the Clerk to the Council unless otherwise directed by the Chairman of the Council.

Members of the public are also able observe proceedings via Zoom; Zoom attendees will be placed in the 'waiting room' and admitted at 7pm when the meeting begins, there is no public admittance once the meeting is underway.

Written correspondence for the attention of Rogerstone Community Council should be addressed to the Clerk to the Council

We will endeavour to answer all correspondence within 10 working days. 

Approved minutes are below (minutes are approved at the following full council meeting before being published). 

Minutes & Agendas